The Flattering Fox and the Foolish Crow

A hungry crow sat on the window-sill of a kitchen, where a woman was preparing breakfast. As soon as the woman left, the crow swooped in and snatched a piece of cheese. She then flew to a nearby forest and perched on a tree, with the cheese in her beak. A fox saw this. He wanted to have the cheese. So he came up with a plan. “Good morning, Miss Crow,” said the fox. But the crow took no notice. The clever fox decided to flatter the crow. He said, “You look charming today.” Again, the crow did not reply. The fox flattered the crow some more. “O queen of birds! Would you grace this forest with your sweet voice and sing a song?” The flattered crow opened her beak to sing a song, but alas! The cheese fell on the ground and the fox sprinted away with it.

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