One night, Akbar dreamt of a floating palace studded with gemstones. Next day, in the court, he narrated the dream to all his courtiers. He could not forget the dream. Then he thought of playing a prank on his courtiers. He said, “I will give twenty sacks of gold coins to anyone who builds the floating palace for me.” All the courtiers were quiet. For the rest of the day, Akbar kept asking his courtiers about whether they would build the palace for him. But everyone was silent. Next day, Birbal rushed into the court and cried, “Your Majesty! I dreamed that I had lots of money. But someone stole it. I’m ruined!” Akbar said, “It was just a dream, Birbal!” Birbal said, “Your Majesty, if your floating palace is real, my money is real too. The thief should be caught.” Akbar laughed heartily and rewarded Birbal with gold coins.
The Floating Palace