During the rainy season, the savanna is covered with green grass. Faraji, the frog, croaked and leapt from rock to rock. Just then, the ground began to shake. ‘What could it be?’ Faraji wondered. Jelani, an elephant, stepped into the rushing waters and plopped down on his bottom. The impact blew Faraji away. “What was that?” shouted Faraji. Jelani said, “Do you want to fly? Sit on my trunk and I will make you fly.” “Oh, all right, but only once,” Faraji said. Jelani took a deep breath, “Here you go!” And he blew as hard as he could. The frog went flying through the air. “You blew too hard!” Faraji shouted as he fell with his back against the tree, “That is enough flying for today!” Jelani sat in the water, filled his trunk with water and blew it into the air, happy that Faraji was finished with his games. But Faraji hopped over to a lily pad and sat quietly for the rest of the day, rejoicing his flight.
The Flying Frog