Lucas loved eating. He would eat meals with his family, and then later, he would get up in the middle of the night and finish off all the food in the fridge! ‘Mom makes such good food! It should not go to waste,’ he would say to himself and eat even when he was not hungry. He loved, especially the meat pies and sausages. He did not really like the vegetables much. “Lucas, you need to stop!” his mom warned him often. But to no avail! Lucas would just not stop. One night, as always, Lucas got up from sleep to search the fridge. Just as he opened the fridge door, the milk carton on the fridge shelf said, “You! Yes you! You are fat!! I don’t like you!” Lucas jumped back in fright. He pulled his hand back that was reaching for the milk.

“Oh no!! The fatty boy is back!” said another voice. It was the apple pie. “Please save my children!” cried the chicken from the sandwich. It must have meant the eggs! There were several voices screaming out in pain, fear and anger–all at once! Lucas was petrified. He banged the door shut. He opened the door slowly again. ‘This must be a nightmare. It is nothing,’ he thought and reached for the chicken sandwich. “My babies, the monster is here! Take care!” it cried out to the eggs. Lucas pulled back his hand in horror. ‘I am their monster!’ he realised. Slowly, feeling extremely sad, he pulled his hand back in self-disgust. ‘How can I be such a monster! I am breaking their sweet families. I need to control my eating. I cannot eat more than what I must and that should not be too much,’ he thought resolutely. Promising to be more careful in his eating habits, Lucas closed the fridge slowly but decisively. “Do not worry! I will not eat you or your children. I will eat vegetables,” he promised the food. “Yes! Thank Lord!” A cheer of relief could be heard as he closed the fridge door. Lucas was a very changed boy now. He did not gorge on meats any more and ate vegetables too. And he did not over-eat at all. He certainly did not want to be the foods’ monster!