The Fool

There was a rich Brahmin who lived in Sarnath. He in his old age built himself a large house that had a big garden too. Many poor people of his city begged for alms outside his house. But he gave no one anything. He instead spent his time gaining fame by giving sermons. All the other Brahmins praised his wisdom. The Buddha wondered why a man so near to death had built a mansion and he sent Ananda to the rich Brahmin to preach to him the four noble truths. Scarcely had Ananda left when the old rich Brahmin died. The Buddha using his example, said, “A fool, though he lives in the company of the wise, understands nothing of the true doctrine, as a spoon tastes not the flavour of the soup. He thinks of himself only, and unmindful of the advice of good counsellors is unable to deliver himself.”

Moral: A fool thinks of himself only.

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