The Foolish Hyena

A hyena stole a calf one day from a farm near by. The hyena wanted to eat up the calf quietly in its lair. Once they were in the lair; the calf felt nervous and fearful. But the calf was intelligent and thought of a scheme to save its life. “I am told that you have a unique laugh. All the animals in the forest tremble in fear when you laugh. Please let me hear you laugh before I die,” the calf spoke fearfully. The foolish hyena felt flattered. He said, “You must be an intelligent calf to have heard about my qualities. I will certainly fulfil your wish!” So, the hyena started laughing loudly. His laughter was cruel and menacing. The farmer was alarmed when he heard the loud laugh. He realised that a hyena had stolen his calf. He followed the sound and immediately killed the foolish hyena!

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