The Forest of Lilacs (France)


When Blondine entered the forest for gathering the beautiful branches of lilacs, she became busily occupied for about an hour. She began to suffer from the heat and to feel great fatigue. She found the branches of lilacs heavy to carry and thought it was time to return to the palace. She looked around and saw herself surrounded with lilacs. She called Gourmandinet but no one replied. Blondine walked on rapidly for some time but she could not find the boundaries of the forest.

Many times she called anxiously upon Gourmandinet but he did not respond and at last, she became terribly frightened. “What will my poor papa think when I do not return? All this is my fault because I left my carriage to gather lilacs. Unfortunate girl that I am! I shall die of hunger and thirst in this forest if wolves do not eat me up this night.” Weeping bitterly, Blondine fell on the ground at the foot of a large tree. She wept for a long time. At last her great fatigue mastered her grief. She placed her little head upon her bundle of lilacs and slept peacefully.

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