The Four Friends


Long ago, in the jungle, lived a pheasant. One day, he spat a seed which grew into a small sapling. The sapling grew into a tree, and bore fruits, which the pheasant ate. Then, the tree grew bigger, and the pheasant couldn’t reach the fruits, at that time, a rabbit came there and said, “Neither of us can reach the fruits. Let me lift you so that you may pluck the fruits, and we will share them.” The pheasant agreed, and the two enjoyed the fruits. Then, the tree grew even bigger. A monkey came there. He agreed to help the rabbit and the pheasant. The monkey lifted the rabbit, and the rabbit the pheasant, and again, they shared the fruits. Then, the tree grew even bigger. One day, an elephant arrived there. He lifted the monkey, the monkey lifted the rabbit and so on. Now, however high the tree grew, they could always reach the fruits!
Moral: Always live in harmony.

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