King Vikramaditya reached the peepal tree. He put the corpse on his shoulder and, as usual, started for the crematory. Baital who never kept silent said, “Vikram, this forest is very scary. I know you are brave but still…” King Vikramaditya replied, “I consider fear to be a sin.” Baital laughed at this and, as usual, started telling a story:
Many years ago, an old Brahmin named Vasudhar lived in the city of Ujjaini. He had four sons. But all four of them were unlike their father. They all were fools. They passed their time playing with one another. They did not like to study. The poor Brahmin was very worried for them.

One day, he called them and said, “I am worried about you all. You do nothing all day. When I die, what will you all do? There is no one else to look after you.”
The old Brahmin continued, “Listen, it is very important to gain knowledge at the right time or you will repent later on. But by then, it will be too late.” All the four sons listened very keenly to what their father was saying. They were convinced of what he said. So, they finally decided to go in pursuit of knowledge. The old Brahmin was very happy. He said to them, “I have a friend who teaches magic. Go to him and learn the art of magic.”

So, the four sons left their home to learn magic. The old Brahmin gave them his blessings. For years they learnt magic and became experts. Then they decided to return home. On their way back home, the four brothers had to pass a forest. While passing the forest, they saw, lying under a tree, a heap of skin and bones. They belonged to a dead lion.
The four brothers decided to put their learning to test. One of them arranged all the bones of the lion. Then the second produced flesh over the bones with the help of his magic. The third brother covered the flesh and bones with the lion’s skin. The fourth brother finally chanted some mantras and put life into the dead lion. As soon as the lion got life, it pounced upon the four brothers and killed them one by one.

Having finished the story, Betal said to King Vikramaditya, “Vikram, tell me which of the four brothers was the biggest fool.” King Vikramaditya replied, “Baital! The one who put life into the dead lion was the biggest fool. Only a fool could perform such an act without realizing that a living lion could be very dangerous.”
“You are right, Vikram! But you spoke, so here I go.” Baital laughed and immediately flew off Vikramaditya’s shoulder.