The Fox and the Goat

On a hot sunny day, a thirsty fox was searching for water. He saw a big well near by and peeped into it. Suddenly, he slipped and fell into the well. He tried his best to come out, but could not. Just then, a thirsty goat also came to the well. He looked down and was surprised to see the fox in the water. “What are you doing down there?” asked the goat. The fox replied that he was enjoying the cool and sweet water. He invited the goat to come in and taste it. The goat believed the fox. He could not understand the real motive of the fox behind it. So, the foolish goat thoughtlessly jumped into the water. The cunning fox, at once, climbed up on the goat’s back and came, out of the well easily. The fox ran away from that place, before the poor goat could realise that he had been fooled!

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