The Fox and the Hedgehog at the Hen’s House

The fox had been digging under the net and getting into the hen’s house every day. He came out licking his lips happily when the Hedgehog saw him.
“Now what are you up to?” asked the hedgehog. “Having a feast!” replied the fox with a satisfied look, “I’ll be going in again. Do you want to join me? There are a lot of hens.”
“You had better be careful!” warned the hedgehog, “Those humans are pretty smart! They’ll catch you and that will be the end.” “No, they won’t,” said the confident fox, “I’m much smarter!”
The hedgehog was tempted and the next day he too joined the fox on his expedition to the hen’s house. Now, humans had really been smart. They had dug a pit and covered it up with leaves. So when the fox and the hedgehog tried to go in, they fell headlong into it! “Ouch!” yelled the hedgehog as the fox fell on top of him. “Get off!”

“You were wiser than I was,” said the fox, rubbing his back, “Now you had better tell me how to get out.”
“I can’t!” mumbled the hedgehog, holding his paw over his mouth, “I’m going to be sick! You fell on me and my stomach is feeling funny!”
“No! Wait! Don’t be sick in this pit!” said the fox and picking up the hedgehog in his mouth, he flung him right out of the pit. The hedgehog stood up and dusted off himself down, “You think you are smart!” he said looking into the pit, “Now look where you’ve landed!”
“Ok! I agree you are smarter than I am!” said the fox, “Now help me get out of this pit. Please.”
“I wonder if you can act well,” said the hedgehog.
“Why? What am I supposed to act?” asked the fox.

“Act dead! Pretend that you are dead and lie absolutely still. Humans will prod you with sticks. But just keep still,” advised the hedgehog, “When they are sure you are dead, they’ll throw you on the garbage heap there.”
The fox was doubtful, but agreed as there seemed to be no other way out. But the hedgehog was right. That was exactly what happened. Humans came, poked at the fox. Thinking he was dead, they flung him on the heap of garbage.
The moment he landed there, the fox took to his heels and ran for his life. He never returned to the hen’s house or the hens again.

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