The Fox and the Hedgehog (Greece)

The Fox and the Hedgehog (Greece)

Once in autumn, a hedgehog and a fox ran into each other. The fox said to the hedgehog, “Come with me to the vineyard to steal some grapes.” The hedgehog answered, “No, I am afraid of the traps they have set out there.” The fox said, “Have no fear. You’ll come to no harm, because I have three bags full of tricks.” So, they went there together and ate until they were full, but just as they were leaving, the fox caught herself in an iron trap. She called out, “Help me, Hedgehog! I’m caught in a trap.” He said, “Empty the tricks out of your bag, so I can free you.” The fox said, “I jumped over a ditch and all my tricks fell out. Don’t you know even one?” The hedgehog replied, “I know two of them.

The one is that when the farmer comes, just play dead; the other is that while you are playing dead you should let a mighty fart.” The fox did what the hedgehog had advised. When the farmer came by, he thought that the fox was already stinky rotten and he threw him out of the vineyard. Thus the fox escaped.

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