Once, there was a fox family who lived deep in the woods.

One morning, Father Fox left for work, leaving the cubs with Mother Fox. In the afternoon, Mother Fox also needed to go out.

She asked the cubs to bolt the door from inside. She instructed them to open
the door only when she called out their names – Max, Cooper and Bella.

The cubs closed the door as Mother Fox left. None of them knew that
a lion hiding near by had heard everything.

A little while later, the cunning lion called out, “Max…, Cooper…, Bella…” The cubs heard their names, but could not recognise the voice.

They were confused. So, they did not open the door. The neighbouring wolf family heard the lion’s voice and got alarmed.

They called out to the smart monkey for help. The foxcubs were in danger. The smart monkey came up with an idea. He searched for a big broken branch of a tree.

Whack, whack, whack, went the smart monkey with the big branch. He chased the cunning lion out of the jungle.

Mother Fox and Father Fox thanked the smart monkey and the neighbours.