The Foxes’ Wedding

Long ago, there lived a young white fox named Fukuyémon. After reaching a certain age, he decided to marry. He got rid of his forelock and started searching for a beautiful bride. One day, his aunt came to meet him. She told him about a beautiful young lady fox who was famous all over for her beauty and charms. She also had a lovely fur that made her attractive. As soon as the young white fox heard about her, he was keen on making her his wife. Soon, a meeting was arranged between them. They both liked each other and decided to marry. The young white fox sent the wedding gifts to the bride’s house. The bride’s parents gladly accepted the gifts. The date of the wedding was fixed. After the initial ceremonies, the lavish wedding was conducted. The bride the and bridegroom lived lovingly together.

The Little Foxes

Soon, a litter of little foxes were born to them. The grandfather was filled with joy. He treated the little foxes so lovingly and gently as if they were tender like flowers. “They are so much their great grandfather,” said the white fox, as like as possible. Also, the little foxes were so healthy that they would never need a doctor. When the little foxes grew up, they were carried off to the temple of Inari Sama, the patron saint of foxes. The old grandparents prayed for their well-being and to keep them away from dogs and other ills which loved to eat the flesh of a fox. As time passed by, the white fox grew old and prosperous. His children kept increasing year by year. He was so happy in his business and family that every spring gave him a new reason for joy.

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