The heavy rains were followed by thunder and lightning. Furious winds blew away all the trees. The cowherd settlement became submerged in water. The panic-stricken cows wandered here and there. The people were frightened and alarmed, and ran out of their homes. What they saw outside took their breath away! It was noon, but the entire village had become pitch dark. The sun was nowhere to be seen. “Krishna, Lord Indra is furious. We all did what you said. Now please protect us from this terrible rain,” they pleaded to Lord Krishna. Lord Krishna consoled the people of the village, “We had offered our prayers to Govardhan Hill, Our saviour. He will protect us now.” Saying so, He went to the foot of the hill. He asked everyone to stand in the cover of the hill and bring their cattle, too. All the villagers stood under the covers of the hill with their cattle and other belongings.
The Frightening Rain