The Germ Attack

Tom hated washing hands! He would use the toilet, eat food, play outside and what not, but he would not wash his hands! “Tom, you will feel sick!” his mother would scold him, but Tom was just too busy doing other things. There was always something more important to do! “Tom, come for breakfast!” called out his mother, one day. Tom ran. As soon as he got to the table, he was surprised to see someone else. That person was sitting at Tom’s place, back towards him, and was eating his food hungrily. “Hey!” Tom screamed, “that is my place and my food!” The person which was sitting turned around angrily. Tom stepped back in fear at the sight of a gooey, hideous looking brown monster, with one big black circle for an eye! For mouth, it had a rough looking, jagged opening that looked capable of eating anything. It was shapeless, although it was wearing Tom’s clothes. From what Tom could see, the monster loved eating. It ate Tom’s breakfast, then the plates and spoon as well! Then it started picking up things randomly, like napkins, fruits, crockery, cutlery, plants, cushions, books, the TV- remote…and began eating them. It was simply swallowing everything! Tom hid behind the sofa in fear. He was afraid that the monster would eat him as well. The more it ate, the bigger it became. It just kept waddling on! All too soon, it stood in front of the sofa where Tom was hiding. “You are my creator! I bow to you!” it said.

Tom ran and hid in his room. The monster followed and repeated, “You are my creator! I bow to you!” Wherever Tom went, it followed. Tom thought hard, what it might be. Its appearance had startling resemblance to the germs that Tom had seen under the microscope in his biology class. But this was too big! “Germs live and grow on your hands if you don’t wash your hands,” his teacher had told him, “The only way to kill them is by washing hands thoroughly with soap!” Suddenly, Tom had an idea. He ran to the kitchen and came back with hot soapy water in a jug. The minute he threw it on the monster germ, it burst into tiny pieces with a loud “Noooooooooo!” Now Tom’s hands were the cleanest hands in his home, and class!

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