The Giant Spiders

The four hunters trooped along the forest trail in a single file. They had lost their way and their horses and were almost crazy with hunger. Darkness descended early as the dense blanket of trees blocked all sunlight. The four men sat below an oak and fell into uneasy sleep. Suddenly, they felt something strong and sticky about their legs and woke up. They saw two protuberant eyes. Their bodies were covered in sticky threads. A man stabbed an eye. The enormous creature cried in pain and withdrew. He then cut away the threads from his legs and helped his friends. They looked at the creature–it was an enormous spider! Rustling sounds warned them, and many more angry spiders crawled around them, weaving thick webs. The hunters shot the spiders with their powerful guns. As soon as they could, they ran out of the forest. They stopped running only when they reached a village.

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