The Gigantic Snake


Jared and Nate were riding through the scrubland, when they heard a strange hissing sound. Their horses seemed uneasy, so the two boys decided to stop and camp for the night. They found an old barn nearby. Then, tired, they went to sleep. Jared was woken up by a strange sound. It sounded like the hissing they had heard earlier, but much louder. He grabbed his gun and slowly crept out of the tent. He stopped in shock. There was an enormous snake just outside the camp. Jared watched in horror, as the snake swallowed up one of the horses. Jared shot at the snake, but in the dark, he was not sure if he had killed it. He woke Nate up, and they packed up their bags quickly. Taking the remaining horses, they rode away, warning people for miles around of the gigantic snake in the scrubland!

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