The Girl Agrees

Gunadhip could not digest what the girl said. However, a while later, he regained his composure. He said to the King, “Your Majesty! She wishes to marry you only. Please marry her.” But the King said, “This girl will marry you only.” But the girl refused to marry Gunadhip. The King turned to the girl and said to her, “Yesterday you agreed to marry Gunadhip. But today you wish to marry me. What made you change your decision?” The girl replied, “I have always dreamt of living in a palace. So, seeing you I felt my dream would come true.” The King replied, “Your dream will come true. Gunadhip is my minister. He lives in a big palace. There are hundreds of servants and maids in his palace. You will have a life of luxury.” So, the girl immediately agreed to marry Gunadhip.” Baital ended his story here.

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