The Girl and the Snake (Sweden)


Once there was a girl who went in the forest and lost her way. She arrived at a hill and saw a door and went in. There was a table covered with tasty food. There was a bed in which lay a great snake. The snake said to the girl, “Sit down, if you choose. Eat, if you choose. Lie down in the bed, if you choose. But if you do not choose, then do not do so.” So the girl did nothing at all. The snake then said, “Some people are coming who want to dance with you.

But do not go along with them.” Straightway people arrived who wanted to dance with the girl but she did not agree. She left the hill and went home. The following day, she again went to the forest and arrived at the same hill. But this time, she ate the food and lay on the bed. The girl gave a loving touch to the snake who soon turned into a handsome youth. He was a prince, bewitched in the form of a snake by magic spells. Then both of them went away and there was nothing further heard of them.

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