Once, a priest decided to sacrifice a goat. He thought God would be pleased. When the priest was about to sacrifice the goat, it started laughing and crying at the same time. The priest was baffled. He asked the goat the reason for this strange behaviour. The goat replied, “Many births ago, I was a priest like you and sacrificed a goat. For that sin, I have been sacrificed in my so many rebirths. Today, I will be free. This is why I laughed. But, then, I suddenly realised that you were about to repeat the same sin. You, too, would be sacrificed like me for so many rebirths. So, out of sympathy for you, my laughter turned to tears.” The priest realised that the goat was right. He freed the goat and decided to please God by meditating instead.
The Goat and the Priest