The Goat who Saved the Priest

Once, a bhikshu (monk) decided to behead a goat in a yogic ritual offering to his god. When the goat was being bathed, it started to laugh. The next moment, it started to cry. The bhikshu was confused. He asked, “Why are you laughing and crying?” The goat said, “Many births ago, I was a bhikshu and beheaded many goats. Since then I am being killed for offerings. In this birth, I will be freed of my past actions. So, I laughed.” “Why did you cry?” asked the curious bhikshu. “I cried for you. This is the last killing you are making. You will be a goat in your next birth.” The bhikshu realised his mistake and said, “I will not kill you.” “But I have to die to free myself of my past deeds,” said the goat. The next moment, the goat was struck by a thunderbolt and died.

Moral: We reap what we sow.

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