The Golden-Eyed Fairy Princess

The little princess of the fairyland had golden eyes which sparkled brightly at noon. One day, the princess disappeared. The fairies, the elves and the dwarves searched for her for years, but could not find her. Some years later, a dwarf reached the kingdom of Golden Light. He went to the ruler and told about the princess. The ruler of Golden Light said, “I may be able to help you.” He ordered to call the two girls. “This is my daughter Lara,” he said pointing to one girl, “Some years ago, she found the girl with golden eyes wandering near our forests; ever since she has lived with Lara.” Sure enough, the sun rose high at that moment, and the girl’s eyes sparkled brightly. It really was the lost princess. The dwarf took her home to fairyland, but the princess always remembered the kindness of the ruler of Golden Light, and often visited him and Lara.

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