The Golden Sea and the Golden Mountain

Hatim’s journey into the golden sea and the golden mountain was mesmerizing. He saw beauty that surpasses human description and it made him bow in respect to the Great Creator. The golden sea glittered in the brilliant sun and the lofty mountain raised its head amidst the clouds. Everything, like trees, fruits or birds, was of golden hue. Hatim drank water from the fountains that sprung out from the rocks of gold, studded with precious gems. Then the fairies surrounded him. They served him food and drinks. They informed him that he was at the edge of the earth and had crossed the borders of heaven. Now, if he sailed straight into the sea, he would reach his destination. He sailed for days, till he reached a village. He asked the peasant working in the fields, “What is the name of this country?” “My Lord, you are in your own land, Yemen,” replied the peasant.

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