The Good Doctor


Once, a doctor was called in for an emergency at the hospital. But he reached late. The patient’s father was furious. The doctor apologized for being late. But still, the father was furious. So, the doctor said, “I came as fast as I could. I wish you’d calm down so that I may do my work.” Then he went away to the operating room. The surgery took some hours but it was successful. The father went to ask the doctor some questions but he had left the hospital. The father said to the nurse, “Couldn’t he have waited for some time so that I might ask him questions about my daughter?” The nurse replied, “His son passed away in a road accident. He was at the burial when we called him for your daughter’s surgery. And now that he has saved your daughter’s life, he has gone to finish his son’s burial.”
Moral: Never judge anyone without knowing the truth.

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