The Good Pirate

Once, there was a boy named Jackson. His forefathers were pirates. His whole family was expecting that he would turn out to be a great pirate. But, young Jackson did not like the idea of spending his life robbing people. Jackson knew that a person undergoes immense unhappiness after getting robbed. He had experienced this as a toddler, when one of his cousins had taken away his favourite toy. While he was growing up, he looked at the mirror every morning, to check whether he was turning into a pirate. But he was not. He looked the same as before, innocent and calm. Jackson studied medicine and dedicated his life to caring for the sick. Now, Jackson was an old man. On seeing his children and grandchildren, none of whom became pirates, Jackson realised that neither himself, nor anyone, was ever forced to be a pirate. There was always a choice. So, it is our duty to make the right choice.

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