The Grateful Eagle


Once, a peasant saw an eagle caught in a trap. The kind peasant set it free. Before flying away, the eagle thanked the peasant and said, “I will be of help to you some day.” One day, the eagle saw the peasant resting by a wall. The wall was weak and was on the verge of falling. The eagle wanted to stop the peasant from getting hurt. To save the peasant, the eagle picked up the bundle of sticks kept near the peasant. The peasant ran behind the eagle to get his bundle back. The eagle dropped the bundle on the ground a few yards away. The peasant picked up the bundle and returned to the wall. But he was amazed to find that the wall had fallen to pieces. The peasant realised that the eagle had saved him. He recognised the eagle immediately as the one whom he had set free.
Moral: A compassionate act is always rewarded.

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