The Greedy Farmer (Turkey)

Stories Around the World

Once there lived a farmer in a village. He was very ambitious. He wanted to make more and more money. In spring, when it was rainy, he called out to God, “ If it were sunny, I would have sown some wheat.” Next day, it became sunny, and the farmer sowed some wheat. After that, he called out to God, “ If it were rainy, it would have been greatly useful for my wheat.” The following day, it rained heavily. The farmer called out to God, “If you had given more rain, my wheat would have grown even more.” The following day, it rained again, much heavily than the previous day.

Then, in summer, the farmer harvested his wheat and collected it in a heap. The farmer called out to God, “ If you had given more rain, my wheat harvest would have been bigger.” He angrily asked God, “ Why didn’t you give me more rain to produce more wheat?” God turned very angry on him. Out of rage, He sent down heavy rain and stormy winds and all the wheat of the farmer floated away with the water.

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