Two men were travelling together. They started talking and became friends. On the way, one of them found an axe on the road. He shouted, “I have found an axe!” The other man said, “Both of us have found the axe.” But, the first man did not agree. He shouted, “No! I have found the axe!” The other man kept quiet. Suddenly, they saw a man running towards them. He was shouting angrily, “You thieves! You have stolen my axe. I will call the police!” The man who had found the axe became panicky. He asked the other man, “What should we do now?” The other man smiled and said, “Since it was you who found the axe, you will have to deal with the consequences!” The man could only stare helplessly. He said to himself, ‘Oh! If only I would not have been so greedy!’
The Greedy Man and the Axe