The Greedy Woodcutter

One day, a woodcutter named Peter found a cave full of treasure. He was staring at the gold when Norvin, the elf, entered the cave. Norvin asked, “What are you doing inside my cave?” Peter replied, “I found this cave. If you do not give me gold, I’ll tell everybody about it.” Norvin agreed to share the gold with Peter, and gave him two bags of gold. But Peter was a greedy man. He reached the cave at night to steal the gold. Norvin had known that Peter was greedy and would come back. So, he put a spell and made gold look like coal. Peter was shocked to see coal in place of gold. His ears also started to grow and were soon bigger than his head. Peter was so scared that he promised never to steal again. Norvin removed the spell and Peter ran all the way to home.

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