Once upon a time, a boy named Jacob was walking through woods. While walking, he heard a strange voice, as though someone was crying. Suddenly, the voice stopped and the boy kept walking. After a few seconds, Jacob heard the same voice. He followed the voice and reached a big, round and grey fountain. Now, he could clearly hear that voice. The sad sobbing seemed to be coming from the pool of the fountain but the water was so dirty that he could not see anything inside it. So, the boy removed some dirt from the surface of the water. He saw a group of little grey fish swimming in the water. They were moving in a small circle and crying. He put his hand into the water and tried to catch one of the talking fish. But when he put his arm into water, it stuck inside and turned grey up to the elbow.

As this happened, huge sadness entered into Jacob, and he, at once, understood how unhappy the fish was feeling. He was very afraid. He pulled out his arm with all force and ran away. But the arm was still grey and he continued feeling sad. He washed it so many times but it did not work. Then, one day, he realised that happiness would be transmitted back to him through the Earth if he made the Earth happy. From that day, he took care of plants and animals. He cleaned the roads and encouraged others to do the same. After so many days, he succeeded. He started feeling happy and the grey colour disappeared from his arm. Then, he went to the fountain. He was very happy to hear the fish singing happy songs and playing in the crystal-clear waters of that magic fountain.