The Hardworking Eagle

The Hardworking Eagle

Once, there was an eagle, named Genie. He was flying high up in search of prey. Meanwhile a small piece of fur went into his left eye. He rubbed his eye but could not take the fur out. Then excruciating pain started in his eye which made difficult to catch his prey. But with full strength he spotted Lick, the snake sunbathing on a rock. Thinking it a perfect meal Genie pounced on Lick and lifted the snake in his paws. Soon, his eye started paining again.

When he began to rub it, the snake slipped away. This made him angry. Then, he moved ahead and saw Jingal, the squirrel, and thought of eating her but unfortunately this time Jingal’s furry tail tickled his eye and the squirrel escaped. Genie was sad. ‘Let me wash my eyes with water,’ he thought. In the river, he saw lots of fish and caught some of them and was very happy once again.

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