There was a proclamation in the kingdom. The King was holding a ball for three nights and had invited everyone to it, so that the Prince might select a bride from among the young maidens.
One of the noblemen in the kingdom had married a widow with two daughters. They would attend the ball. But his own daughter was neglected and slept among the cinders in the kitchen. So, everyone called her Cinder-Maid.
When the nobleman and his family went off for the ball, Cinder-Maid sat crying beside her mother’s grave under a hazel tree. Suddenly, a hazel nut dropped into her lap. She broke it open and out came a beautiful blue silk dress with copper shoes! A copper carriage stood in front with white horses and footmen! A voice warned her to return before midnight or everything would return to its old form.
Cinder-Maid was delighted. Wearing the blue ball dress, she went to the ball. Due to a charm cast over her, none recognised her. The Prince was so enchanted that he danced only with her. Just before midnight, she slipped away and returned home to sit among the cinders.
The next day, the hazel tree gave her a silken brown gown with silver shoes and the carriage was made of silver. Once again, the Prince had eyes only for Cinder-Maid. And before midnight, she was back in the kitchen.
On the third day, the hazel tree gave her a gown of pink silk with golden shoes and a golden carriage. She was so happy dancing with the Prince that she forgot the time. Suddenly, the clock began to strike the midnight hour and, remembering the spell, Cinder-Maid rushed away home. But on the way, her golden shoe slipped off and fell on the steps of the palace.
The next morning, it was proclaimed that the Prince would marry the maiden whose foot would fit into the golden shoe.
All the young ladies in the kingdom tried to push their feet into the golden shoe. The golden shoe was brought to the nobleman’s house and the two step-sisters also tried it on, but it wouldn’t fit them either. They were terribly disappointed and miserable.
And then, Cinder-Maid tried on the golden shoe and it fit perfectly! She drew out the second shoe from her pocket. The Prince was delighted to have found her love. He took her away to the palace and they were married and lived happily thereafter.