Once a farmer found an injured hen in a forest. He brought the bird home and nursed it. After getting well the hen said, “You saved my life. I will reward you with a golden egg daily.”
The farmer was delighted. Now every day, the hen laid a golden egg and the farmer sold it at a good price. Soon the farmer had become a rich man. He lived in a grand mansion with his wife and children happily.

It went on for some time. Then, the farmer became greedy. He thought, ‘If I take out all the eggs from the belly of the hen at one go then I shall not have to wait every day to get one egg. The wealthiest man on Earth I will become in a single day.’
So, the farmer took a knife and cut open the belly of the poor hen. There was no egg inside.
The wonder hen was dead.
Moral : Greed and impatience makes you repent.