The Housemaid

We have a housemaid.
Her name is Kamla.
She does most of the chores of our house.
She also works in some other houses of our neighbourhood.
She lives in a hut at some distance from our house.
She comes early in the morning.
She cleans our vessels and washes our clothes.
She sweeps and mops the floor.
She dusts the furniture.
She sometimes even cooks food for us.
We give her a cup of tea.
Kamla is honest and hard-working.
Answer the following questions
1 What is the name of the housemaid?
(a) Vimla (b) Promila (c) Kamla (d) Sushila
2 Where does she live?
(a) in a big house (b) in a hut (c) in forest (d) in slums
3 She the furniture.
(a) drinks (b) washes (c) dusts (d) none
4 Kamla is honest and _

(a) sincere (b) careful (c) hard-working (d) none
5 Give the gender of ‘maidservant’.

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