A farmer went to his fields every day past a large stone-cross. He stopped there daily to offer a prayer before he went on his way. One morning, he saw a little black insect on the cross, scurrying up and down, looking very troubled. It seemed to be in some kind of agony. ‘It seems to be one of the black enchanted creatures that I have heard about,’ thought the farmer. He had heard that the creatures underground don’t like to come to the surface and touch anything holy, because then they are trapped and cannot go back. But he didn’t wish to harm the insect, so he walked on. However, he saw it again the next day and the next, frantically scampering on the cross! Finally, he grabbed the creature and found himself holding a dark, ugly little fellow, just six inches tall, who kicked and struggled and screamed to be set free!

The Little Plough
Neither gentle persuasion nor a thrashing made the little fellow speak. The farmer took him home and imprisoned him in a black iron pot, closing the lid firmly. For six weeks, the farmer kept him imprisoned. Finally the little fellow called out, “Let me out! I’ll talk!” The farmer pulled him out and he confessed that he was an underground creature who had got caught when he stepped on the cross. “I didn’t want to be recognised,” he explained, “That’s why I turned myself into an insect. Now, please let me go!” “I will!” replied the farmer, “But you must give me a gift!” The little fellow offered gold, silver, jewels, furniture, etc. but the farmer asked for a little iron plough that could be drawn by even a small horse. The little fellow promised and the farmer let him go. The next morning, there was a perfect iron plough that even a tiny horse could draw!