Dolphin seems to have a special relationship with humans. There have been many stories of dolphins recuing drowning sailors and pushing them to shore. Humans, in turns, are fascinated by dolphins and are curious about them.
Dolphins are marine animals like their cousins, the whales, but are smaller. Resemble large fish and have teeth and break-like snouts. It is interesting to watch them swim. They are excellent swimmers; there streamlined body allows them to push throughout water very smoothly. In swimming the dolphins beats it tail up and down not sideways like a fish.
The dolphin breathes is also interesting. It does not breathe continuously it comes to surface to breathe and hold breathe till it comes back to surface again.
Dolphin, however, are seriously threatened by human many are killed for sports, for food or because they compete with fishes for food. The good news is that efforts are being made to conserve them. Experts are trying to learn more about dolphins so that humans can treat them better
Marine—living in the sea
Resemble—look similar to