One day the king of the jungle, the lion, called an important meeting at his den. He called the monkey, the zebra, the elephant and the fox. The lion was very dirty and so was his den. The monkey did not dare enter the den due to the bad smell. So he left, without saying anything. Unable to bear the smell, the zebra covered his nose. “How dare you cover your nose? Does my den stink?” roared the lion. The zebra did not have an apt reply and the lion threw him out of the den. The king, then, asked the elephant the same question. “No, it smells of roses,” replied the frightened elephant. The lion was not happy with this answer either and knocked the elephant’s trunk. He, then, asked the fox. “Sir, I have a cold, so I cannot smell anything,” replied the intelligent fox. The lion was happy with his reply and made the fox his minister.
The Intelligent Reply