The Internet is a network of computer systems that have been connected to each other through satellites, telephone lines and optical cables. These computers can have access to a large volume of precious and useful information. Initially, the Internet operations were confined only to the USA but this new technology has spread its wings around the globe during the last twenty years. The Internet operations began in 1986 when the US Department of Defence connected some computers to all the corners of the world through optical cable networks. These networks also used satellites for transmission of data to far-off places. Later, some American Universities also entered the Internet arena. The main systems, called the Internet servers, were located in the USA. Now, the Internet is a global phenomenon. Every student can have an access to the Internet through his computer system, a telephone line and a modem. The Internet service must be provided by a government organization (like VSNL, MTNL etc.) or by a private firm, which is known as an Internet Service Provider (ISP). The Internet has given the most exciting mode of communication to all the E-mail. We can send an E-mail (the short form of Electronic Mailing System) to all the corners of the world. The cost per page of E-mail is only 30 paise. Further, the Internet as already stated, can be used to collect information from various storage areas of the servers, called the websites. This information could relate to education, medicine, literature, and software, computers, business, entertainment, friendship and leisure. The Internet is also used for carrying out business operations and that set of operation is known as Electronic Commerce (E-com).
Far-off – remote, Collect – obtain