Deep in the jungle, a jackal found a dead elephant. But he could not pierce the elephant’s thick skin and eat it. Soon, a lion walked by. The jackal said, “Your Majesty, I have been guarding your meal.” The lion replied, “I do not eat animals killed by others. Feast on it.” The lion went away. The jackal wanted someone to pierce the elephant’s skin so that he might eat it. Soon, a leopard came there. The jackal said, “King Lion killed this elephant. He has gone to get his family. Feast on it until he returns.” “The lion will kill me,” said the leopard. The jackal said, “Go ahead and feast on it. I will signal when he is near.” The leopard had barely bitten into the elephant’s flesh, when the jackal signalled that the lion was approaching. The leopard sprinted away. The jackal sat down and enjoyed his meal.
The Jackal Saves His Meal