“So now what do you propose to do?” asked Karataka. “We must find out what has frightened the King,” suggested Damanaka, “even if we have to risk going to him. I will see what his mood is, and then put across some plan to make him pleased with me.” “Be very careful, Damanaka,” warned his friend Karataka. “I will,” assured Damanaka, “I will patiently follow the king like a shadow, and when he is pleased with me, I will ask him what worries him.” So Damanaka went to the Lion King’s den and bowed low before him. When the King asked him to enter, he went in and sat down. He humbly told the king he had come to serve him. Damanaka flattered the King and finally asked him why he had returned without a drink of water. The King, impressed by him, told him that he heard some beast roaring and didn’t know what it was.
The Jackal’s Plan Begins