He was a kind-hearted bird, so he looked around to see how he could protect the traveller from the direct heat of the sun’s rays. He tried to hold a leafy twig to provide him with shade, but it was heavy and he couldn’t hold it for long. Besides, the sun was moving along the sky. Finally, the kind-hearted heron spread out his wings and shielded him from the sun’s rays. The traveller slept comfortably, unaware of the heron’s kindness. The crow saw the heron’s act of kindness. He had always been very envious and decided to play a trick. He let his droppings fall into the traveller’s mouth. This woke the sleeping fellow up. He was disgusted and angry. He only saw the heron and, thinking him responsible for the droppings, the traveller shot the poor heron!
The Jealous Crow