The Jellyfish and the Monkey

Once upon a time, the Queen of the Dragon Palace was about to have a baby. She had a weird craving. She wanted to eat a monkey’s liver. The Dragon King wanted to fulfil her wish. He called the turtle and asked him to get the liver of a monkey. He, at once, went out and reached one of the islands of Japan. He saw a monkey playing near the sea shore. The turtle asked him, “Dear Monkey, would you like to come as a guest to the Dragon Palace to see the mountains?” The monkey agreed and went along with the turtle to see the Dragon Palace. The turtle went inside the palace and asked the monkey to wait at the entrance gate. The gate keeper, the jellyfish, looked at the monkey and started laughing. The jellyfish approached the monkey and said, “Dear Monkey, do you know that the Queen wants to eat a monkey’s liver? That is why you have been brought here.”

Why the Jellyfish has no Bones

After a few minutes, the turtle came out. The monkey said that he had forgotten his liver hanging on a tree. He hung it to dry in the sun. If it rained, it would get wet. So, he wanted to go back to the tree to get his liver. The turtle carried him back to the sea shore. When they reached the land, the monkey quickly jumped off and climbed the top of the highest tree. The monkey mocked the turtle and said, “Inside the sea there can be no mountains; outside the body there can be no liver.” Disappointed, the turtle returned to the sea. He went to the Dragon King and said, “The loose-tongued jellyfish must have told the monkey everything while the monkey waited at the gate.” The King was furious and said, “Remove all his scales off! Take out all the bones!” That is why the jellyfish has no bones and has this shape which it has now.

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