The Kind Deed


Once, there was a poor boy. One day, he was so hungry that he thought he would ask for a meal. So, he rang the bell of a house. A young woman opened the door. The boy got flustered and could only ask for a glass of water. But the kind woman gave him a large glass of milk. The poor boy was overwhelmed. He drank it and asked, “How much do I owe you?” The woman replied, “My mother has taught us never to accept any pay for kindness.” Many years later, that same woman fell very ill. A doctor came to see her. When he saw her, he recognized her at once, for he was the same poor boy whom she had given a glass of milk. He cured the woman and when it was time for payment, he said, “The payment has been made with a glass of milk.”
Moral: Always be kind to others.

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