The Kind Tortoise

Long ago, some merchants were on a voyage. Suddenly, a great storm brewed up in the sea. It tossed the ship from left to right. The ship could not withstand the storm and sank. The merchants struggled in the water to stay alive. A turtle saw them struggling. He decided to help them. He went to the merchants and told them to climb on his back. The merchants climbed on his back and the tortoise took them safely to the shore. The merchants thanked the tortoise for his help. After a while, the merchants felt hungry. They discussed among themselves about the availability of food. The tortoise overheard their conversation. He felt sorry for them and decided to sacrifice himself. He went to the merchants and said, “You can have me as your food.” The merchants were deeply touched by this offer. They said to the tortoise, “We cannot kill you, for you have saved us.” Saying so, they patted the tortoise and left.

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