The King at Fault

Baital continued, “If you knowingly do not answer my question correctly, I shall break your head into pieces.” King Vikramaditya replied, “No, the hermit cannot be blamed. It was the fault of the King. It is not possible to master a mantra by just reciting it without concentration. Though the King did all that the hermit had told him to yet he lacked concentration. He was constantly thinking of the girl, of spending time with her or the luxuries of life, which he always desired to have. One needs to have concentration to succeed. This is the reason he failed.” Baital said, “You are absolutely right as usual, Vikram! But you have spoken. I cannot stay with you now, so I will go.” Vikramaditya tried to hold Baital tightly but could not stop him. Baital flew off King Vikramaditya’s shoulder. He headed for his abode in the peepal tree. King Vikramaditya was furious. He followed him as usual once again.

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