Moses and his family set off on the road to Egypt. Before they arrived, he met his brother Aaron, just as God had promised. Moses told Aaron all that God had told him. “God who called Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, knows all about your unhappiness and is going to rescue you,” Aaron said, “He promised to give the descendants of Israel a land of their own. Now he is going to lead you to that land.” A great cheer went up; the people were excited and happy. At last their troubles were over. Next, Moses and Aaron asked for an audience with the king of Egypt. “The lord, God of Israel, says that you must let his people go free from this country,” Aaron told him. “Who is this God?” the king asked rudely, “I don’t know him and I certainly shall not do as he says,” he turned to his servants, “Get those lazy, idle slaves back to work!” Then he gave new orders to the Egyptian foremen who were in charge of the workers.
The King Says, “No”