There lived a crow in a forest. He was very observant. He watched everything that went on in the forest. He saw a hunter come to the forest and scatter seeds and grains all over the ground. Then the hunter set up his nets to trap unwary birds. The crow told all the birds around to be careful and not be tempted by the seeds and grains, as they were traps.
All the birds in the forest were alert to the danger. But the ones who came from outside did not know the hunter’s plans. So sometimes they got caught.
One day, a large flight of doves was flying over the trees. They saw the seeds and grains and all of them swooped down, before the crow or anyone could warn them. The nets fell and all the doves were trapped in it. The hunter was delighted at his catch!
The doves fluttered and struggled to get out, but in vain. The king of the doves was wise. He spoke quietly to his subjects. “The hunter is coming, my friends. Keep calm and listen to me. Before he reaches us, we must escape. When I give the signal, all of you must spread your wings together and we will take off, carrying the net. Do not ask questions or argue, for there is no time. Hurry up! Now!”

At the signal, the doves spread their wings and lifted off the ground, carrying the net. The hunter was in a rage seeing the doves escape. And they had taken his net too! He ran after them but soon gave up, panting and exhausted.
The doves flew steadily till they came to another forest. The King said, “Now we have to come down here.” They all flew down into a new land and landed there safely. But they wondered how they were going to get out of the net! Then they heard the King’s voice, “My little friend, please come out!” They saw a hole near by and a voice asked from inside, “Who is calling me?” “It is I, the king of doves, my friend,” replied the King.
They heard a sound and a small mouse came scurrying out of the hole. “What are you doing here, dear King? And why are you all caught in a net?” he asked. The King told him how they had been caught by the hunter and how they had fled carrying the net with them.

“I have come to seek your help, O little one. Will you please cut the net and set us free?” requested the King. The mouse was happy to help his old friend. He called all his friends and relatives and they all nibbled through the nets setting the doves free.