The King’s Parrot

Baital started telling King Vikramaditya another story as he carried him—“King Gunwant of the Avanti kingdom was a very strong ruler. He had a parrot named Churaman. He was very wise and well versed in Sanskrit. The parrot had travelled to a number of kingdoms and was well informed about people and places. One day, the King asked the parrot, “Churaman, you are very knowledgeable. Please tell me where I can find a suitable match for myself.” Churaman replied, “O King! In the kingdom you will find your mate. The King of Magadh is Magadheshwar. He has a daughter named Chandravati. She is very learned and beautiful.” The parrot described her so beautifully that the King was very impressed. He immediately sent a marriage proposal to King Magadheshwar. In the meanwhile, Chandravati also had a pet jay whose name was Madan-Manjari.

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