One day, Birbal said, “Your Majesty, man can do anything for money.” Akbar said, “Prove it!” Birbal brought a poor Brahmin and said, “This Brahmin will stand in the icy-cold lake by the hill throughout the night if you reward him.” Akbar agreed. The Brahmin stood in the lake all night. In the morning, Akbar asked him, “How did you manage?” The Brahmin said, “A lamp was burning on the hill. I watched it all night.” Akbar said, “So the lamp warmed you up. You lose!” Birbal felt sorry for the Brahmin. He did not go to the court for two days. When Akbar visited Birbal’s home, he saw Birbal watching a pot of uncooked rice. Akbar shouted, “How can you cook rice without a fire?” Birbal said, “The pot will gain warmth from the lamp on the hill.” Akbar realised his mistake. He called the Brahmin and gave him a thousand gold coins.
The Lamp on the Hill